what is our purpose

Have You Ever Talked to God?
    Being human may seem simple at first glance, but when we delve deeper and reflect, we can see its complexity and underlying spirituality. At some point in their lives, every individual searches for God and seeks answers. Sometimes these answers are found in society, sometimes in emotions, and sometimes in books or other means.

    As humans grow and mature, they pursue life with specific goals and objectives. If you are a conscious person, it is quite difficult to remain indifferent to the negativities that occur in society. Especially in recent times, the massacres of innocent people happening all over the world can make us go through difficult times and question ourselves. So, what is our purpose as humans in this world? Why do so many people live in evil, even though we know that the greatest truth in our lives is death? Every person, responsible or not for all that happens, will eventually die. What will be left behind? A big void. To give a simple example, in ancient times, valuable objects were placed in the tombs of the deceased, and when these tombs are discovered, all that remains are those objects and fragments of bones turned to dust.

Do you think the people who do all this evil think about this? Or what are they doing?

Coming back to our topic, I am stuck at the point of praying to and talking to them, regardless of which religion or creator we believe in, in good times and bad. This is where humanity really enters a dead end. To express my own thoughts, I always pray to the God I believe in, in good times and bad, or I go into deep thought before going to bed at night. According to my faith, if my prayers or requests to God do not come true in this world, then it means that God is leaving the better of these requests for the next world. We believe in this and continue our lives from where we left off. But sometimes there are moments when, instead of praying, talking to God (not in reality, of course, but in our minds) makes one feel truly lost in the unknown. In other words, even if our requests to God are not accepted, humanity can surely achieve or realize them in some way if they strive.

    As technology advances in the world, societies and countries can now interact more and easily obtain information about events happening in the remotest corners of the world. In the past, the negativities that occurred were only known by the perpetrators and those who experienced them. Nowadays, such situations are learned by the world much more quickly. Especially the wars, terrorist acts, and events that have been taking place in the Middle East for many years and have affected millions of people. All these events bring to mind one of the first questions that come to mind: If God exists, why does he allow these things to happen? This is what drives me to talk to God.

    We, as individuals, may or may not have our requests from God fulfilled. We are beings who can overcome this sooner or later, but thousands of people are killed every day in the world for unnatural reasons. Like the massacres taking place in Palestine in the Middle East right now, or the massacres of Uyghur people in East Turkestan in Asia. We are human beings and we will surely die one day, but in front of the eyes of the world, these innocent people have been massacred or forced to migrate from their regions by Western countries for thousands of kilometers away, on the grounds that they allegedly threaten their own security and interests. We find ourselves talking to God about these issues as they unfold. Humanity will surely die, and while we pray to the God we believe in for these massacres to end and innocent people not to die, how is it that what millions of people want does not come true? Why, my God? Does evil always have to win? These are the questions we talk to God about and will never get an answer to until we die.